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Amazing Korea

Scenery that reminds us of the wise and benevolent king (Aeryeonji and Uiduhap)

by 드림 플래너 2020. 12. 15.

Hello, Your untact tour guide. I`ll show you all the corners of the historic and unique sights around the world. At first, I`ll let you go to Changdeokgung palace, the world Unesco heritage in seoul. You can see many beautiful Korean traditional buildings in the palace. So, You don`t have to miss here, when you have a plan to visit Seoul. Just follow me!


King Sukjong, the 19th king of the Joseon Dynasty, was said to have created an islet topped by a pavilion in the middle of the pond in 1692. The island disappeared, but the pavilion remains on the northern end of the pond. Sukjong named the pond ‘Aeryeon,’ meaning ‘loving the lotus f lowers.’ The king once said, “I love the lotus because it blooms with such clean and beautiful flowers, however dirty the water may be, symbolizing the virtue of a true gentleman.” In 1827, Crown Prince Hyomyeong built a number of structures to the west of Aeryeonji, including Uiduhap Pavilion, and erected a fence around this area. Uiduhap, which bears the sign ‘Gioheon’ at present, is a modest study. Unlike most traditional Korean structures, it was not adorned with various colors named “Dancheong”. Next to it is Ungyeonggeo. It is the smallest building in the palace.

* Resource : Changdeokgung palace office


The sundial called Angbuilgu shows the time and the solar terms through the shadow. You can see it somewhere in the palace.


Walking past Juhamnu area, you see Yeongchunmun gate to Changgyeonggung palace.


There is a direct way to Jondeokjeong in front of Bullomun gate along the stone-wall.


Bullomun , a stone gate, meaning the king`s longevity is the entrance to Aeryeonji area.


There`re Aeryeonji pond with lotus leaves and Aeryeonjeong pavilion at Bullomun gate.


What a beautiful pavilion Aeryeonjeong is! I think if sitting inside, I have excellent views on all sides.


Aeryeon means loving the lotus flowers symbolizing the virtue of a true gentleman.


You can see Gioheon , a study room for Prince Hyomyeong over the wall in Uiduhap area.


A short walk past Aeryeonji pond leads to another pond which is also full of lotus.


Next to Aeryeonji pond, there is an another pond covered with lotus leaves. YeonGyeongDang hall over there.


 Thank you very much for reading! Have a nice day and see you soon~^^
